Saturday, January 5, 2013

When God asks

As I began reading Genesis 12, the first two verses talk about when God asks Moses to "Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you." Stop right there. How many of us would just jump on the offer to leave everything and everyone we know to somewhere, just somewhere, no details. Umm, not me! Now thankfully the next verse goes on to tell Moses that if He follows these frightening instructions, "I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing". When you tag all that on, the offer sounds a little bit more encouraging, but STILL, leave everything and go SOMEWHERE!

This brings to mind a new resolution for myself. Be willing to leave whatever behind and go wherever and do whatever God ask. He deserves my obedience no matter how frightening the idea may be.

How about you? Any New Years resolutions you've got going?

My three major ones are
1. Get into nursing school and pass the first semester.
2. Be healthier
3. Read the Bible through. A big one for me, I've tried many times and always failed.

Just a few thoughts from the mind of me

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Think about it

As I begin another year of trying to read through the Bible entirely (every attempt has failed), the thought comes to mind about how much it irritates me when someone says God can't do anything bad. I think we have some definitions mixed up. To be clear, God CANNOT do anything EVIL. Evil: against the law of God. However, per our definition of bad (something unpleasant, uncomfortable, or inconvenient for us), I dare say He can do bad (only by that definition).

My opinion is backed by stories such as Cain's curse, the flood, etc. these were a result of evil, not evil themselves. However, at the time, I'm sure they seemed Bad!

Happy 2013 y'all

Just a thought from the mind of me

Friday, December 28, 2012

Here we go again

2012 is here for just a short time more and then comes another year....2013

But what does that mean? Is it just a number? Just "another year". My intention this year is for it not to be just another but for it to be a great year starting with January 1 being a great day clear through December 25. Before you consider this an unrealistic proposition, let me elaborate.

Each year we set "New years resolutions" which quickly turn into undesired regrets then we vow to not do that to ourselves next year. Sound familiar? So what do we do about?

Let me answer what I shall attempt to do about it.

1. Examine the reasoning. Why do I set resolutions? Just as every day can be, January 1st provides an excellent "fresh start". Forget the Christmas cookies, lack of gym time, expanding waste line, and shrinking wallet and start thinking about what I could do with a clean slate. Sounds reasonable right?

2. Ahhhh, the key word, REASONABLE! Some of us, myself included, tend to set goals that are just insane. Workout 2 hours every day for the next year.....yeah that ones blown uhhh, January 1! Instead, maybe a better suggestion would be "attend the gym more" and the set weekly attainable goals!

3. Set yours goals/resolutions/fancynewideas :)

So here are the ones I have thus far

First, be a better wife. My conviction right now is to pray for my husband regularly and encourage open communication.

Second, be a better person. Spend more time focusing on my personal spiritual growth. Be more concerned about being healthy without being obsessed (which I really struggled with this year). Get into nursing school and excel :)

Third, a resolution the hubby and I have made together with specifics is to be better with our money and save more. That's more personal so I'm gonna keep the specifics to myself :)

Fourth be a better friend in my family and friend relationships. I'm not sure exactly what this means yet but there's always room for improvement right?

Lastly, I am resolute to have a good day every day. Psalm 35:9 says "Then my soul will rejoice in the Lord and delight in his salvation." It's not about circumstances, it's about have Jesus at the center of my life all day every day which will be my joy no matter what is going on.

4. Last step is to be accountable aka share your resolutions. Done :)

Now is this a fool-proof plan or can I guarantee that I will keep up with them till December 31st,2013 or even until February? NOPE! But having a plan is a good start and I know that I have my God by my side no matter what and He will help me through whatever happens.

Please feel free to share your own resolutions or suggestions on following through!

Just a thought from the mind of me :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

One of those moments

"Christ took the death that I deserved and gave me the life that He deserved" -Pastor Scott

I would say that I have known this truth for quite some time, but I can't say I've every heard it put this way and it really just hit me hard when I did hear it.

It's really a nice way of restating one of my favorite passages, Romans 3:23, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

What I wonder is how we as the church, myself included here, have come to the point of entitlement.  Somehow, we've decided that this is just what we deserve, along with all the other blessings that God gives us. This is so incredibly wrong though.  We deserve NOTHING and He deserves EVERYTHING!  Yet, Christ is the one who gave up EVERYTHING for me and you.

So my next thought to ponder is what would my life look like if I lived like I deserve nothing.  And whatever if other Christians and eventually the Church lived the same way.  Would we finally regain some of our "differentiation" back that we've lost when it comes to comparing us and the world.

Just some thoughts from the mind of me.....

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Honesty Check

I'm finally going to do it.  This is the post I didn't want to write!  Why didn't I want to write it?  Because right after I had this idea (which was shortly after my last post), I had another, better idea.  Why am I not writing about that idea?  Because I'm not the smartest and I didn't write it down and I can't remember!  But this idea hasn't left my mind since, so I've decided that this is the one that needs to be written.


We all have them.  But have you ever that person that you had some sort of relationship with, professional in my case, but you just can't connect with them.  Granted, not every person we encounter, we connect with.  But in my case, I encountered this person practically every day and I just couldn't find the connection.

A t-shirt.

Out of nowhere, I decided to wear this random t-shirt and it sets off a whole conversation with this person that I've been making effort to connect with for MONTHS!  How frustrating, but delightful at the same time.

So what is your connection type?  Are you one of those people that can connect with anyone about anything?  Or are you like me, and other said person, where it takes just the right topic and time to connect.  And is one connection type better than the other?

Something to think about from the mind of me :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


First off, to my faithful readers, I apologize for my absence. Life got busy and time for such things as writing seemed to diminish. As I will explain shortly, my passion for writing has been revived so I hope to be able to write more often.

Secondly, the title of this blog will be changing, I just don't know what the new name will be yet. I'm changing it because I discovered the housewife within myself but quickly realized that wasn't me. My poor husband...I'm a busy little bee at everything EXCEPT housework! Thankfully my poor husband is amazing and willing to help out so we do the housework together in our "free time".

That brings us to three. Have you seen the movie "the Rum Diary"? I had my doubts but since I am an avid Johnny Depp fan, I decided to go ahead and rent it. When Eric and I watched it, I prefaced before hitting play that I reserved the right to turn it off at any point in case it was just awful. Anyhow, we watched the whole thing and the craziest thing came of it, a spark that renewed my passion to write! I'm horrible about talking about movies and ruining them for people so I won't say much about it except that in the movie, Mr. Depp finds his voice and passion in writing. It got me to thinking that maybe the reason I had lost my passion to write was because I hadn't really found MY voice. So my new challenge for myself is first to learn something new or to challenge an idea as often as possible, hopefully every day.  Part two of my challenge is to write about what I discovered in part one.

So, here goes.  The first idea I challenged was that of personal obsessions.  This challenge was sparked by a recent random tweet which said "tweeting is my newest addiction", an addiction that I'm obsessed about...what???  As I began thinking about what I obsess about, even just mildly, the list kept growing and I was in shock!  Everything from personal appearance to sports.  But my point here is not to obsess about what I obsess about :), it is to suggest better things to obsess about.  What if I obsessed about making sure everyone I come in to contact with knew that the God who created them loved them.  Yes, this is something I want, but (honesty check), I get busy and don't slow down and talk to these people and make sure they know it, but if I obsessed about it and spent as much time doing that as I do watching NASCAR, facebooking, tweeting, etc, oh how things could change!

Just a few thoughts from the mind of me

Have a great day ya'll

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Grocery Shopping!

I have spent the majority of my day out shopping, trying to find the best deals and spend the least amount of money.  My goals for today were 1) our monthly sam's trip to restock, 2) grocery shopping for the menu I planned out for the next 2.5 weeks, 3) pick up a few good deals and spend my walgreen's register rewards that were about to expire.  Oh, and I was also aiming to spend less than $200.  So here's how that went.

First stop: Walmart.  Nothing much to say here.  This was the bulk of the groceries we needed, most of which I couldn't find coupons for.  I did save $0.55 off of some Chef Boyardee.  I also used comp ads.  I got a pound of strawberries for 0.99 (aldi's price) and green grapes for 0.89 a pound (also Aldi's).
Total: $96.12

Second stop: Sam's.  Nothing at all special here, just our monthly restock.  Total: $56.28

Third stop: Home to unload the cooler and get dinner put together.

Fourth stop: Target.  All except 2 items here I had a coupon for.  I would spell it all out but the receipt is really confusing.  The gist of it is that I spend $27.02 and between coupons and sales, I saved $15.05.  The best value here was I had 3 coupons for $1 off sharpie and 2 papermate products.  I got 2 sharpies and 2 ten-packs of pens for free because they were on sale for a dollar.
Total: $27.02

Fifth stop: Walgreens.  The bummer here is that I really didn't need anything that I bought but I had $4 in register rewards that were about to expire so they were going to go to waste.  I bought:

  • A snack pack for $1 (I had to have one item without a coupon because otherwise the register rewards won't work.)
  • A colgate toothbrush and toothpaste.  They were on sale for 2 for $6 plus I got $4 back in register rewards plus $1.15 in coupons so I basically paid 0.85 for both of these products.
  • Aussie 3 min conditioning treatment.  It was on sale for $3 and I got $1 register rewards back and I had a $1 off coupon so I basically paid $1 for this.
Using my $4 RR, I paid a total of $3.85 and I now have $5 RR.

Sixth stop: CVS.  This was the highlight of my day!  I started with $11 EB.  I bought a Schick Hydro Razor that was on sale for $8.49, got $5 EB back, and had a $2 off coupon so I paid $1.49 for this product.  I also bought some skintimate shave cream that was on sale for $1.99 and I had $1.50 coupon.  

Using $5 of my EB, I paid a total of $1.06 and I now have $10 EB

Last stop (thank goodness!): I only stopped here because they had ground turkey on sale for 1.99 a pound but unfortunately they were out of that priced stuff so I had to pay 2.50 a pound.  So I got 2 pounds of ground turkey for $5, a colgate toothpaste (on sale for .88 and I had a 0.50 off coupon) for 0.33, and some really yummy looking bread on sale for 1.99.
Total: 6.99

Total for the day: $191.32!  I was very happy to come in under my goal, even if just by a few dollars.  What I got us today should last us at least the next couple weeks except for bread and milk.

In other news, I bought tilapia and plan on using it in a recipe next week.  This was huge for me because I don't like fish and never ever figured I would cook with it but Eric and I are trying really hard to lose some weight so I opted for chicken, fish, and ground turkey on the menu instead of the normal hamburger.  It will definitely be an adventure!

In other, other news, I officially start my new job taking care of babies at a daycare on Monday.  I am very, very excited!  I am a little nervous because I am going to be a ton busier than before between working, three online classes which start a week from Monday, and being a housewife but I kind of like to be busy so I think it will be great!

That's all for now :D

Thx for readin~
Mrs. Morgan